Partner with us to raise


For our 2024/2025 Project Cycle

Amount Raised: $2,000
$2,000 8%

Choose A Donation Option

You can also

Adopt A Project

Adopt An EQ Orphanage

Choose any donation amount ranging from $250 to $1000 and we will spread the remaining balance over 10 instalments.

Adopt An EQClub/Group

Choose any donation amount ranging from $1000 to $1500 and we will spread the remaining balance over 10 instalments.

Adopt A Youth Group/Class

Choose any donation amount ranging from $1500 to $2500 and we will spread the remaining balance over 10 instalments.

Adopt A School Project

Choose any donation amount ranging from $2500 to $5000 and we will spread the remaining balance over 10 instalments.

Donation Benefits

Receive FREE access to SHAPE YOUR WELLBEING App Guided Course from our platinum sponsor, Experience SHAPE

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