Grassroots EQ deployment
One Club At A Time
EqClubs are our grassroot EQ development clubs spread across cities where our EQForce work weekly with teenagers to grow resilience, strong values and the capacity to make informed choices that drive their goals and help the create the best versions of themselves.

Empowering EQ Development In The Grassroots
Through our EQForce, we train, mentor and equip our teenagers with EQ competences to sustain the pursuit of their dreams. The ripple effect of these EQClubs is an army of teenagers being equipped across the world, tipping the scales and creating a more EQ equipped world.
Weekly Meetings
Weekly club meetings to sustain learning and growth, and build a strong community.
Strategic Curriculum
Well-curated curriculum for sequenced learning, growth and effective EQ development.
Games & Fun Activities
Games and fun activities that build connections and reinforce positive learning.
Thriving Community
Building connections and a community of support, accountability and growth.
EQClub Locations
Connect with an EQClub close to you and enroll your teen